#janeway holocharacters
stitching-in-time · 1 month
Voyager rewatch s4 ep19: The Killing Game pt 2
It's 1940s WWII holodeck adventures part 2! The fun continues as the American soldiers join the Resistance fighters in the picturesque French village of St. Clair (aka holodeck one).
Janeway and Seven attempt to access and disable the crew's neural interfaces to the holodeck before their Hirogen captors find out, while the Americans find their way to the nightclub where the Resistance is hiding out. This leads to the unbearably cute reveal that Tom and B'Elanna's holocharacters, Bobby and Brigitte, are each other's long lost loves. When they're told to go work together, we're treated to an absolutely lovely scene of the two of them reminiscing about their romance before the war. Robbie and Roxann both fit the old Hollywood movie character types they're playing here to a T- they both have that vibe even as Tom and B'Elanna, so it's so much fun to let them totally play into it here, especially with the mutual pining their holocharacters have going on. I know I give the writers a hard time a lot, but I honestly couldn't have invented anything better if they'd asked me personally what AU fanfiction I'd love to stick Tom and B'Elanna in. His wholesome, earnest American soldier boy and her beautiful, worldly, tough dame with a soft spot for him are just so spot on. And when he pulls up that chair?? and sits eagerly leaning over the back of it, hanging on her every word?? looking at her, with her pouty red lips and her big brown eyes, like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen??? Ughhh I melt into a puddle of feels!! I have no ability to be normal about this subplot, I've been shipper trash for them since I was a kid, I can't help it!!
Anyway, Janeway and Seven return at this point, having been unable to disconnect anyone else. But they have a plan they need help with, and they play along with their 1940s personas so the others don't get suspicious. Janeway convinces Chakotay to come help her, and they use the hole in the holodeck wall to sneak into the ship. Chakotay, even while mind controlled, still seems taken with Janeway, calling her a good leader and a 'gung ho gal' (which Janeway seems to find amusing.) They find a way to disconnect the crew on the holodeck, which happens just as they're having a shoot out with the nazis, who take them prisoner. We get an explanation that B'Elanna's character's pregnancy is a holographic projection, which was a clever way to let B'Elanna have more to do in the story without the hindrance of having to hide Roxann's real-life pregnancy. (And lol at Tom reacting exactly the same way his 1940s character would when the German officer insults B'Elanna- dude, he's a hologram, he's not a real guy! He didn't really have an affair with her, it's not a real baby, you don't have to punch the pretend nazi for insulting your girl, especially when he's got a gun, and holodeck safety is off! But I'm a sucker for old-timey tropes like a guy defending the honor of his lady love, so I'll give him a pass for being reckless, because it's kinda romantic actually.)
Meanwhile, Janeway is injured and brought to the Hirogen leader, and tries to reason with him to let her crew go. He eventually agrees, but his second in command defies him when he finds out. The second Hirogen chases her through the ship, but Harry manages to set a countdown to overload the holo emitters. The crew on the holodeck are about to be shot by the holo-nazis, but the Doctor and Neelix lead a charge of Klingon warriors from the other holodeck simulation, and they hold them off long enough for the emitters to overload and delete all of the holocharacters. (The Doctor has some memorable and funny one-liners in this one too.)
Janeway gifts the remaining defeated Hirogen with holographic technology before they leave, in the hope that more of them can find a way to use it for their hunts, instead of hunting down real people. They don't commit, but they accept the gift, leaving a sliver of hope that they'll create a less violent future for themselves.
Tl;dr: A fun, exciting episode, that has action, drama, comedy, romance, and little featured moments for all of the main cast. There's a little bit of everything, all very well packaged together. One of my favorite Voyager stories, for sure!
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clementine-kesh · 9 months
i am a spirit folk apologist in part because it’s just a sillyfun episode in part because it has one of my favourite tom paris gay moments which is when harry’s all dressed up looking so crazy handsome picking up flowers for his cute little date and tom’s like “🤨🤨🤨 need a chaperone buddy?” like he’s so mad about it for no reason even though janeway’s been openly banging one of the other holocharacters for weeks and when harry tells him to screw off he immediately turns to b’elanna and is like “i need to make sure he never knows the touch of a woman. for reasons.” then follows harry to the holodeck and just as harry leans in to kiss his date he turns her into a COW like the petty gay bitch he is
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heroofthreefaces · 4 years
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Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked at 10:00 Central US are new. Cartoons at 22:00 are from the archive. Thanks for reading.
[Image  description: Preview panel of the cartoon at the link. Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay of Star Trek Voyager sit talking in Janeway’s office. Janeway is saying, “Chakotay - did you mean it when you implied you’ve had romances with holocharacters?” Chakotay says, “Yes. ...It is a level of fantasy that not everyone can handle or that some aren’t comfortable with.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.]
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